- What is Neural Network?
- Dive into the neuron
- How does a neural network simulate an arbitrary function
- Why do we need neural networks
- How to construct a neural network
- Fully connected neural network
- Use graphical tool to design neural network
- The "activation function" of the output layer
- How to train a neural network
- Learning algorithm and principle
- Build and train neural networks from scratch
- Rewrite the code using PyTorch
- Use graphical tool to train neural network
- Some important problems of neural network
- Network structure
- Overfitting
- Underfitting
- Overfitting vs underfitting
- Initialization
- Vanishing gradient and exploding gradient
- Convolutional Neural Network(CNN)
- 1D-convolution
- 1D-convolution experiments
- 1D-pooling
- 1D-CNN experiments
- 2D-CNN
- 2D-CNN experiments
- Recurrent Neural Network(RNN)
- Vanilla RNN
- Seq2seq, Autoencoder, Encoder-Decoder
- Advanced RNN
- RNN classification experiment
- Natural language processing
- Embedding: Convert symbols to values
- Text Classification 1
- Text Classification 2
- TextCNN
- Entity recognition
- Word segmentation, POS tagging and chunking
- Sequence tagging in action
- Bidirectional RNN
- Attention
- Language Models
- n-gram Model: Unigram
- n-gram Model: Bigram
- n-gram Model: Trigram
- RNN Language Model
- Transformer Language Model
- Linear Algebra
- Vector
- Matrix
- Dive in matrix multiplication
- Tensor